Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Raking Leaves

Wes spent some time on Sunday afternoon raking up leaves with the girls. I know they had more fun than he did-hands down! They rode in the trailer with the leaves, screaming and having a blast. As the temperature dropped, Mom moved the party inside-what a party pooper! The girls both love to work with their Dad, it doesn't matter what he is doing, they want to be elbow deep "helping." He is so lucky to share in the helpfullness of our young ladies...

Halloween has Come and Gone...

The girls spent time carving pumpkins and preparing for the big event! Kalleigh was complaining of a sore throat and headache and didn't get a chance to trick-or-treat...which is so not fair in the world of a five year old... Abigail had a blast shouting trick-or-treat to everyone and grabbing candy and shouting tank you. This was her first chance to trick-or-treat b/c last year she had the pukes... I think our house is cursed come halloween time...cursed with the sick bug...oh, well, life goes on. Good thing we don't have to spend a lot of money on costumes! (With Auntie Missy's garage sale abilities...costumes are in abundance!!)
After visiting the neighbors up and down Grandma Carr's street, we gathered enough candy for a truckload of girls.
Halloween was huge success in Abigail's eyes and a complete disaster through Kalleigh's. Hopefully next year, both girls will be able to enjoy the festivities.