Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Life with a two year old!

Well folks! For those of you are expecting, or waiting to be expecting, or currently parents... I just thought I would give you a little taste of parenthood and life in the Carr household. This is our Abigail Kathleen Carr at her finest. Those who know her best would call her a "MESSER"... This is not to be taken lightly... This little beauty is what some might call a "homewrecker"... She squeezes lotion bottles and smears them all over her body(focusing on her hair)... she climbs on everything... she pulls her clothes out of her drawers... she dumps her toys all over the house... I could go on and on forever with the different "tricks" she has been caught doing.
She is the ultimate two year old, and a crash course in babysitting! Just ask Kayla! She had the pleasure of watching her this summer and she managed to smear fingernail polish all over Janel's sheets... Needless to say she is not to be left alone in a room for an extended amount of time or for even a few seconds! Mom has developed Abby radar- which is quite astute!
We wouldn't trade her for the world... we have just grown to love her and all of her mess making abilities!!


Jenny said...

I love the blog!!! Can't wait to read more. SOunds like you have your hands full! That is a good thing! Love the mascara pic! Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

She is destined for greatness. You can see it even through all of that mascara. Maybe you should start calling her you little "Tammy Faye Baker". JK Give them both a squeeze for me!