Thursday, June 26, 2008

No baby yet...

The Carr family remains at four for another day at least... still no signs of the new addition beyond the contractions I have felt for the past 2 months. I am not sure what the hold up is, and frankly being at home right now and not having to go to work is not really helping!

The girls are busy with riding bike, playing outside, going to basketball camp, t-ball, vacation bible school, Danebod Family Camp, and soon swimming lessons will start... we have gone to the pool, went for a boat ride and just been lazy at home... Yet none of these seem to interest the baby enough to come and join the fun. Tomorrow we go to the doctor and hopefully she will have good news. The girls are going to the cities for the weekend with my Mom and Dad, so in way I almost hope that the baby will hold off for the weekend (did I say that outloud??)... Only because I think meeting their new brother or sister in the hospital would be a memorable experience for them both... but I am willing to sacrifice that for the basketball to come out!!

I know they will have fun in the big city with Tante and Habte, Mah Mah and Fa Fa... the question is if THEY will enjoy the experience...

We will keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

Oh you know we will love it!!! I hope the girls can meet the baby in the hospital too. If the baby comes Saturday, I would definitely be willing to drive them back to meet the baby!!! :-) Love you!!!

One Love: Jeff & Becca said...

Can't wait to meet that new baby!!!! Hurry up already! ;-D You must love being pregnant!