Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ramsey's Baptism

Sunday, September 21st was Ramsey's Baptism. His sponsors are Briana, Bobbi and Brett. We had a great morning in church... and a wonderful celebration at the house. We are very lucky to have such helpful, willing and loving family members. Ramsey is lucky not only to be welcomed in God's family, but OUR families as well. With both Bobbi and Grethe pregnant, everyone is anxious to love babies again. It has been a long time (3 years) since the last cries from a babe were heard in either of our families houses... Abigail is the closest "baby" to Ramsey... and as most of you know, she would make a better firecracker than a baby...

Although Ramsey is only 3 months old, he looks more like a 6 month old. I am sure he is topping the charts at 17 lbs if not more... He is such a happy go lucky young man. He has started to go to bed around 8:30 and then sleep until 4:15 or last night it was 5:30! I feel like I should get up in the middle of the night to pump and store up milk, but that has yet to happen... I am torn... get a good nights sleep, or store milk...?? What is a girl to do?!?


Jenny said...

Such a cute family!! Glad to hear you are all well!!!

Nikki said...

I just love your new pictures!!! Ramsey's getting sooo big!!!

Michelle said...
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Anonymous said...

I can't believe Ramsey is so big! Joslyn is 6 1/2 months and he is bigger than her! Oh and my 2 cents on the milk thing is....sleep. If you have extra milk in the morning why not just pump then?