Thursday, October 30, 2008

4 months

So, Mr. Ramsey went to the doctor on Monday for his 4 month check-up. The little porker weighs in at 20 lbs 4 oz. He is in the 100% ile for weight, 90th % for head circumference and 50th % for his height! So that means he is short and chubby! Just the way we like little babies! He continues to be a shining star. His smiles are contagious! We are thankful for his health and personality!


Nikki said...

I LOVE that picture with his shirt off!!! Why aren't rolls as cute on us?!?!? Hope you're having a great Halloween

Anonymous said...

I love the new pictures! Hope the girls had fun trick or treating!

The "Serene" Life said...

Chubby Babies are always the cutest in my book! :-)

Schreurs said...

What a cutie.. Chubby babies are healthy babies.. Cute new pictures!