Sunday, November 9, 2008

Date night turned disasterI

So, Weston must have read my blog and felt sorry for me... because he called in reinforcements to watch the girls and Ramsey on Friday night, and we went out on an actual date... well out for supper anyways! We just traveled to the Country House, as the roads were not all that swell for going long distances, plus I still haven't purchased batteries for my pump... so we decided early supper and home in time for bedtime feeding... We had a great time! It is so hard to believe that at one point it just used to be us in the house... Now it seems like we don't take the time to really talk, goof around and maintain our relationship! We both were appreciative of the night... that is until we got home... Both of us were not feeling that great, and Weston was sure we had food poisoning... (the scoots and puke) not fun... However it appears that we passed it on to Josh... sorry buddy! He saw Weston on Thursday night, so he prob. passed whatever bug he had on to him at that point... and it was just festering around until the weekend. So needless to say our weekend has been pretty lazy... Hopefully the girls won't get the bug... we will have to wait and see!

1 comment:

The "Serene" Life said...

I guess that will teach you to take a night off......:-) Hope you feel better!